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Insurance Information

We make every effort to provide you with the finest surgical care and the most convenient financial options. To accomplish this goal, we work hand in hand with you to maximize your insurance reimbursement for covered procedures.

person smiling

We’ll Help You Understand Your Coverage

Our Insurance Specialists deal with many different insurance companies. Some companies offer many different dental and medical plans. Some companies combine dental and medical coverage. At times, it is almost impossible to accurately estimate our patients’ insurance co-payment. Many insurance companies will not give out fees until after the treatment is completed.

Dealing with these companies can be difficult and time-consuming. As a courtesy, we ask that you keep us informed of any change to your insurance. It is important that all information about you and your insurance be current.

Private & Group Insurance

As a courtesy, we will file your insurance claims for you. Upon receipt of an insurance payment, any balance due will be billed to you. Please bring your insurance information with you to the initial consultation so that we can expedite reimbursement.

For questions and concerns, please contact our Insurance Specialists staff:
Chattanooga Office, Cleveland Office, and Georgia Office: 423-893-333.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Chattanooga   Fort Oglethorpe   Cleveland